Submit Your Profile

Tell us more about you! We would love to connect you with other friends and family members. By submitting this form, you give us permission to post this information on Family & Friend Recipes.
  • Upload an appropriate photo. Keep in mind that we will crop it square before it's posted on the site. Please make sure your picture is at least 300 px wide and 300 px tall.
  • This will not be displayed on your profile. We are only asking this in case we have questions about your profile.
  • Keep it short & sweet - but make sure you cover the basics. Include how you're connected to the family. As with all information shared online, be careful with what you want posted. No dates or precise locations, please.
    Check the boxes of all the social media channels you participate in that you would like to share the links in your profile.
  • Cut and paste the links to your social media channels, separated by commas. If you do not use social media, type "N/A" in this field.
  • maximum three
  • maximum three