Submit A Recipe

Submit a recipe to be posted on To have your recipe posted, you need to be a friend or family member of one of the members on the site.
  • List your maiden name & married name separated by a comma. We will categorize you as both.
  • Let us know who you know on our site. Enter the name of the person who invited you to submit. We will list your recipe under your name and your last name and will include who you know in the notes section.
  • This will not be displayed on your listing. We are only asking this in case we have questions about your form entry.
  • This will not be displayed on your listing. We are only asking this in case we have questions about your form entry.
    Check the category you want your recipe listed in. If your dish fits multiple categories, choose the best descriptor. You can add more information later in the "TAGS" section.
    Check the type of cuisine you want your recipe listed in. If you have more specific origins, you can share them in the "TAGS" section.
    Does your recipe fit any of these special dietary restrictions? Let us know! If not, check "NONE OF THE ABOVE". If your recipe fits another dietary restriction category, you can enter it in the "TAGS" section.
  • Write an intro to your recipe. Keep it short & concise, but let us know: Is there a story to share with this dish? Who's favorite is it? Do you make this on a special occasion? What would you want us to know?
  • One ingredient per line. Please do not number the ingredients, use bullets or add commas between lines.
  • Put each instruction on a separate line. Please do not number the steps,use bullets or add commas between lines.
  • Upload a picture of your dish. Please make sure the photo is clear, well lit and looks appetizing. Also,check that your picture is at least 800 px wide.
  • What else would you like to tell? Was this recipe found in a particular book, magazine or online - but you tweaked it to perfection? This is a great place to site the source. if you are a FRIEND of this website instead of FAMILY, you can tell us more about how you know the family.
  • List all the "TAGS" associated with your recipe. Tags are searchable terms that can further categorize your recipe. List all items separated by commas. Include key ingredients, specific ethnicity, holiday names (if applicable), etc. Think of tags as a way to further categorize your recipe.