Submit a Favorite Ingredient Link

Tell us your favorite brand name ingredients! What makes a difference in what YOU cook? What kitchen tools make your life easier? We will type them up like a blog post and include them in a feed under the "TIPS" tab, as well as sorted by family and submitter. They will also be searchable on our site.
  • List your maiden name & married name separated by a comma. We will categorize you as both.
  • Let us know who you know on our site. Enter the name of the person who invited you to submit. We will list your recipe under your name and your last name and will include who you know in the notes section.
  • This will not be displayed on your listing. We are only asking this in case we have questions about your form entry.
  • This will not be displayed on your listing. We are only asking this in case we have questions about your form entry.
  • Share the brand name of your special product.
  • You can either take a well lit, clear picture, or download and upload a product picture from the web. Please make sure your picture is at least 800 px wide.
  • Share a link so others on the site can order online, or go to the store where it is available. If there is no product link available, cut and paste this url "" into the field to complete the form.
  • Tell us why this product was special enough to share. What do you like to use it in? Is it a kitchen staple or a special treat? Did someone introduce you to it, is it an old family secret, or sis you just stumble across it? Inquiring minds need to know...